now accepting appointments at Juniper House (5842 W Myrtle Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301)
now accepting appointments at Juniper House (5842 W Myrtle Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301)
If there is an issue with affordability, please ask. In most cases I can be flexible and not against barter. I will try to work within your budget and can setup payment plans if that will help.
I believe everyone can benefit from Reiki and/or PEMF therapy and therefore try not to make it cost prohibitive.
I can schedule appointments at my location (28809 N 23rd Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85085), your location, or at Juniper House (5842 W Myrtle Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301)
Visit our online store by clicking here
Your first session is only $10. This is a full 60+ minute session, not an abbreviated or "mini" session so you can experience the full effect of Reiki and its amazing healing potential.
at our location
at your location
Refer a friend who you think would benefit from Reiki and/or PEMF. If they purchase any service you will receive a free Reiki session (traditional or distance) or a free 15-minute PEMF session.
Click here
Provide a testimonial and let others know your experience with Reiki and/or PEMF that we can post to our page and received $10 off coupon for any future service. Only your first name and city will be displayed.
click here
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy
Monthly Package
Monthly Package
Monthly Package
Monthly Package
*plus $0.75 per mile one way fee added
Monthly Package
Monthly Package
Monthly Package
Monthly Package
Experience the benefits fo a full Reiki Session
60+ minute session (Hands-On)
Distance healing from any geographic location. Includesa post session phone call
Traditional Reiki for dogs, cats, etc.
Traditional Reiki for larger animals (horses, cows, etc)
Distance Reiki for all animals
Clean, balance and align your 7 Chakras to keep them functioning at peak efficiency
If you are new to meditation, learn how complete body relaxation can help you
A guided meditation to help you relax and alleviate stress and worry
A full hour devoted to stress reduction, forgiveness and relaxation.
Learn the benefits of Reiki and sharing this gift with others
Contact us for class dates etc. Individual training available
Contact us for class dates etc. Individual training available
Contact us for class dates etc. Individual training available
Are you buying or selling your home? do you feel thre is "bad" energy in your home or workspace? Space clearing will cleanse your space of all negative or bad energy making it more comfortable for your and your family. Space clearing can help your house sell faster.
Sacred smoke and crystals used to clear your space of all negative energy and to invite in positive energy. Includes 1 oz Lemongrass-Lavender-Sage room spray.
Sacred smoke and crystals are used to clear your workspace and office building of negative energy. Office clearing can make your employees and workers more productive with reduced stress. Includes 1 oz Lemongrass-Lavender-Sage room spray.
Keep your space cleared and smelling great with this all natural room spray
*trip charge of $0.75 per mile one way will be added